I'm a name *freak*. Ask mymother. I have little lists of them scattered all over the house, which I pour over obsessivly, I have about five dollars on my library card becasue of late fees on baby name books, I have an entire section of bookmarks dedicated to name sites. I love names. So, of course, the naming of my characters takes a very high amount of contemplation. Here's a short guide as to the secerct meanings and tributes hidden within the characters' names.

Rose- I have a nasty habit of naming main charcaters after myself in some fashion. Though Rose shares none of my characteristics, her name is taken from my middle name: Avery AnnaROSE. Her first name, Charlotte, is an irony- Charlotte means feminine. Tilmet is a tribute to Final Fntasy VIII, being a play on the last name of one of the charas therein.

Brooke, Willem - Named after *very* old characters of mine. Willem was the quiet, intelligent one, Brooke was a Tom Sawyer type character. The two were (on Willem's part) reluctant partners in childhood mischief. In Bad People, the roles have been reversed-- Brooke, now, is the one who despises Willem. Brooke's middle name, Rufus, is a tribute to Final Fantasy VII, Rufus being the boss of a group called the Turks . . . who were one side of a double inspiration for the entire project.

Vick - Named after a main character in a cartoon I loved as child and barely remember. he was some kind of tempermental fox. Anyway, the name has always stuck with me. his middle name, Nobuo, is a tribute to my favorite composer, Nobuo Uematsu.

Caprice - Means, of course, whimsical and unpredictable. Mwah-ha-ha!

Aiden - Means fire, which I again find ironic, as Aiden is such an icy, calculating bastard.

Aldon and Marcel - Old and young, respectively.

That's all for now. Maybe later, yes?

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