Full Name: Williem Edelbert Sevin
Better Call Them: Williem.
Role: The rich, conniving bastard who gets the group into the whole mess.
Age: 54
Personality: Slightly eccentric, self centered, loquacious. Williem is out for himself and no one else, but damned if you'll ever know that. He plays the role of the altrusitic old man until you break the rules of his game- and then he gets pissed. A mental sadist.
Likes, Dislikes: Fine art, magick, power, money, himself; other people with power, the Wild Hunt, Caprice, teenagers.
History: Born rich, raised rich, inudated in richness. He is the living seterotype of the playboy. He doesn't have any eccentric interests, or fun little facts. He was raised to be a boring, if good-looking, money husk. Unfortunatly for his high class family, young Willem got severly interested in Magick. He went along the usual goth teenager route for a while- Alastor Crowly, H.P. Lovecraft, some Wicca, until his uncle initiated him into a group of blue-blood citizens dedicated to exploring supernatural mysteries. There, Willem found his true calling in the pursuit and study of magickal objects, and a decade later met a young man named Aiden Augustine. Too much more would be horridly spoiler-rific.
Points of Interest: Owns the largest collection of magickal objects in all of the Americas. Rumors say that a few of the objects contained are Odin's Eye, a feather from Quetzeqoatl's wing, Anubis's scales, and the one-an-only Excaliber.

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