Name: Avery
Middle Name: Annarose
Pie: No, thanks.
Age: 18
Location: Indiana
Occupation: Artist, writer, future Hooter's Girl.
I first started *really* getting into drawing when I was in fourth grade or so, when my parents gave me a how to draw faces book. Since then, I've self-educated myself into intermediacy, and now attend college studying Fine Arts at Indiana University. I've written since I was younger than young, and while I'm horribly slow, I get no better sense of satisfaction. I slack far too often, and live in a tiny little trailer with my boyfreind and a rotating cycle of up to four ther teenage boys. I have far too mnay pets, especially cats, and I survive primarily off boxed food.
Favorite Smell: Vanilla
Top Three Love Songs of all time: "This Love"- Sarah Brightman; "Be Mine"- David Gray; "Fear"- Sarah MacLachlan.
Least Favorite Food: Onions.
Favorite Band as a Child: Rush.
Your Fashion Is: Eclectic. A lover of turlenecks and cool belts. Necklaces a must.
Dream Car: 2002 Corvette, convertable, black leather interior, sound system that will make you go deaf in five minutes, chrome illusion paint with three colors- black, midnight blue, blood red. I'll name it Epoch.
Best Feature on a guy: Hair, face, eyes. In that order.
First Official Fangirl freakout: Mighty Ducks: The Animated series. I wanted to marry Duke. >_<;
Bizarre Celebrity Crush: Crispin Glover.
Toothpaste you use the most: Crest. Blah. Animal testing.
First Kiss: Can't remember. I was such a little mack-daddy (mommy?) when I was young.
Favorite Sin: Lust, sloth a close second.
Most Prevelant Chemical Addiction: Sugar. Mounds of it. Pure gloucose. I'm betting I'm going to be diagnosed diabetic at some point.
How Did your Parents Name You: Opened the baby name book and pointed. I'm serious. It's why I have a boys name; I'm lucky they weren't a few pages eariler, lest I be named Andrew.
Breast Size: 38DD. Yes, they're real, no, you can't see them. And I hate them.
Sport You Are the Worst At: I'm bad at all sports, but probabaly Soccer.
Household Chore you Enjoy the Most: Vaccuming. I have a strang obsession with vaccuming.