
Last Updated: Feb 20, 2004
ART! Two pictures in gift, and a bunch in junk. WRITING! One new fanfic and three new poems. LINKS! Four new banners and two text links. MISC! Casting Call #1 (yay!), new Contest (yay!), and Adoptables page up (YAY!). CHATTERBOX! The Aviary no longer looks lie a pile of dung! Go post there! OTHER RANDOMNESS! I'm beginning to add some page headers for subpages. Nothing special. NEXT UPDATE! Averyspeak and Life Drawing still giving me trouble. The guest art section should go up pretty soon, though. That secret project is coming along nicely . . . Um, more adoptables! Possibly a new links page for something other than art.
That's all for this time. I'm still working on how to make this page a tad more interesting. For now . . . STARE AT JOHNNY DEPP! OBEY HIS EVERY WHIM!

Jan 23, 2004
First of all, I'd like to wish my mommy a happy birthday. Happy Birthday. You aren't too old to do things. ^_^
One new thingy in Fan Art, bunch of new banners added (and the old ones trashed). A New link, and some webrings. Not much this time around. The first Casting Call will be up next update, accompanied by the beginnings of a life drawing section. That's a promise. Averyspeak is taking longer than normal, due to a slew of new vocabulary words being added and writing up pronunciations for all the words. I've got the sketches for three adoptables done. So, those will be teh finished in about two, three weeks. or at least, the first slew of them. And there's another mysterious project in the works which will be done shortly . . .MWAH-HA-HA-HA!
I have also noted how plain and uninteresting this updates page is. Hmmmmm . . .

Jan 17, 2004
After a nasty absence due to finals/christmas break, I am BACK! And I have things . . . for you. Unfortunatly, I didn't have my computer or notes with me during Christmas, so I didn'tget many projects done that I wanted to, but I do have some leftover things. One new picture in Original art, two in Fan Art, One in Gift art, a ton of junk art, four new links (it's becoming a trend), the results for the fanfiction contest, a new short story, (READ, damn you! I am proud!) another prose poem, and . . . that's all. Coming soon art them thingies I couldn't work on over Christmas- Averyspeak, casting calls, maybe some reviews. Adoptables is being worked on, as well. And I'm trying to get a picture for the me section. That's all! See you soon!

Nov 14, 2003
*yawns* Oog, I'm spoiling you all with these exceptionally large updates. One new picture in Original, a entirely new section of art, four new prose poems, and four new links. Next week's update should have some fan and gift art, and I'm going to try and get the Life Drawing section up. Averyspeak is on it's merry way, and the first casting call. Whee!
Two big thank yous to you guys. The fanfiction contest is doing swell, with four entries already! And 100 hits! Here's a little something back. Enjoy!

Nov 7, 2003
Tastes like . . . a big fat update. Seven new pictures; five in original, one in fan art, and one in the newly opened Gift and Commissions. Also, the poetry section is up. Only two offerings so far, but that will grow in time. Annnnnnd to new fanfics! Both are short, but look for Unhygienic for the JCA fandom and Brotherhood for the X-Men: Evo fandom!

Oct 31, 2003
Grand opening! Woo!
